Individual Counseling

The therapeutic approach varies with the individual needs of the client and may include cognitive and behavioral approaches, dialectical behavioral therapy, client centered therapy, play therapy, or art therapy.
Presenting problems may include depression, anxiety, mood disorder, abuse, addictions, relationship problems, eating disorders, behavioral problems, stress, or adjustment problems. The focus of the therapy may change over time, as new issues are shared or uncovered.
The counseling process begins by contacting our office and completing the registration process. This includes completing the registration form and submitting it to your counselor prior to your first appointment. The individual seeking counseling calls the office and provides basic information over the telephone, including name, address, birth date, social security number, phone number(s), insurance information, availability for appointments, and a brief summary of the issues for which he/she is seeking help. If the client is a minor child, the parent or legal guardian must call.
For further information, or to speak to a therapist to schedule an appointment, call:
Teletherapy Only at 301-466-2050.
The College Park office and/or Teletherapy at 301-439-7191.
If you leave a message, please allow 24 hours to return your call.